I am going to try and come up with 25 random facts about me and my husband's life. I will proble have more about me then him, because I am a bit more random then he is:
1. WE both served a mission in South Chicago, and Clint was my district leader at one point. (who would of known two years later after we got home we would be dating)
2. I suck my tongue, and have since I was born (don't ask how I just do)
3. Clint loves to collect anything JOHN DEER!
4. Random food's I like: corn flakes with a packet of flavored oatmeal on top of it
(not made), and mashed potatoes with spaghetti sauce, corn, and cheese on top!
5. Clint has a glass of milk almost every night before bed
6. Me and Clint only saw each other 5 times with about 3-5 days at that time before we got married! Mostly talked over the phone.
7. Most of my day's at work consist of sitting starring at the computer
8. Clint is a very picky eater! (Which is surprising since he isn't the littlest
9. Give me pizza and I can eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, it can be
cold or hot! I love pizza
10.Clint works at a paint store, so he can tell you the code to mix to make
different colors without looking it up!
11.We love watching 24, house, and movies together!
12.For Christmas Clint got me the biggest stuffed dog, it takes up the whole small
couch. I named him buddy, and he is so cute!
13.I have broken both elbows before the age of 4
14.I was a creative memories consultant for only 6 month's! Couldn't get people to
come to the parties or buy anything! I blame it on the economy
15.We live next door to in-laws and in the basement of the grandparents. Family
16.Clint has no filling in his pinkie! Cannot fill it when hurts it!
17.We are having a baby in JULY! Not that random, but exciting! It's our first
18.Clint takes care of all the bills! I don't even worry about them, it's nice!
19.I love Halloween and Clint and his family HATE it! :(
20.Clint hates the hospital and doctor's so when we have to go to deliver our little
one he isn't going to like it much!
21.I love to plan parties! When we have kids there are going to be lots of birthday
and holiday parties!
22.Watermelon reminds me of a hot day in the pool in Glendale, AZ
23.Clint has lived in the same town his whole life except for his mission!
24.Clint can speak fluent Spanish, and i speak a little bit!
25. I'm sure there are other random things about us, but I just cannot think any
Try it out it is kind of fun to try and think of random stuff about yourself.